3 Tips For A Pain-Free Recovery Following Wisdom Teeth Removal

About 90 percent of all adults today will have an issue with at least one of their wisdom teeth during their lifetime, according to US News. So if you've recently been scheduled for wisdom teeth removal surgery, you can take heart in the fact that it's a fairly common practice. While the surgery itself is usually painless due to anesthesia, it's the immediate aftermath that often causes a problem for most people. [Read More]

4 Situations In Which Veneers May Be The Best Option For Whitening Your Teeth

Many people use over-the-counter whitening applications to try and brighten the color of their teeth. However, in some instances, a chemical whitener will not be effective. In such cases, the teeth can still be whitened using dental veneers. Dental veneers are thin pieces of resin or porcelain that can be applied to the front of the teeth to conceal cosmetic imperfections. This means that perfectly white veneers can be applied to cover dental discoloration. [Read More]

Alternatives To Braces

Proper alignment of the teeth is important for more than just cosmetic reasons. Crooked teeth and misaligned jaws can cause problems eating, as well as pain for the patient. Braces are one of the most common orthodontic treatments to properly align the teeth and jaws. However, some patients wish to avoid braces, whether for cosmetic or financial reasons. If you or your child are in need of braces, there are a couple of alternatives that may be able to straighten your teeth without the need for braces. [Read More]

Sedation Dentistry And How It Is Administered

Does the thought of having a cavity filled or even getting your teeth cleaned strike fear in your heart? Do the days leading up to a dental procedure make you anxious and irritable? Maybe you should ask your dentist about sedation dentistry. With sedation dentistry, you can actually relax and look forward to having your procedure. Sedation is used to calm patients who experience anxiety or panic when they see their dentist, have extreme dental sensitivity, or have a lengthy procedure scheduled. [Read More]