Why Gum Disease Is a Risk to Your Whole Body

Gum disease is thought to be tied to a host of other diseases. It's been linked to cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, and even kidney disease. With problems like these tied to your gums, it's more important than ever to take care of them. Here's what you need to know about these seemingly-arbitrary links between diseases and how you can protect yourself from them. Bacteria The root cause behind a great deal of the problems caused by gum disease is the bacteria responsible for it. [Read More]

Don't Risk Your Oral Health: 4 Ways To Protect Your Mouth From Harmful Bacteria

If you don't take care of your teeth, you may think that the only thing you need to worry about is a few extra cavities. However, that's not the case. If you're not taking care of your teeth, you could be looking at an increased risk for bacteria-related dental problems. Here are some steps you can use to protect your mouth from harmful bacteria. Keep Your Teeth Clean If you lead a busy lifestyle, you might not have enough time to brush your teeth more than once a day. [Read More]

How To Get Dental Implants When You're On A Budget

It can be hard to really feel your best when you have missing teeth. As much as you may want to smile, you often find yourself giving a forced grin because you don't want other people to notice that you don't have a beautiful smile behind those clenched lips. If you've heard about dental implants and know that they are the perfect solution here are a few ways you can obtain them when you're on a tight budget. [Read More]

Three Ways Having Your Teeth Straightened Could Benefit Your Health

Having straight teeth isn't just a matter of being able to smile with confidence. If you're interested in having your teeth straightened, there are some other benefits you should know about, too. Here are three potential health benefits you could enjoy after you've had your teeth straightened. Better Digestion If you have seriously crooked teeth or an underbite or overbite, chances are you're not actually chewing as effectively as you should. [Read More]