Does the thought of having a cavity filled or even getting your teeth cleaned strike fear in your heart? Do the days leading up to a dental procedure make you anxious and irritable? Maybe you should ask your dentist about sedation dentistry. With sedation dentistry, you can actually relax and look forward to having your procedure.
Sedation is used to calm patients who experience anxiety or panic when they see their dentist, have extreme dental sensitivity, or have a lengthy procedure scheduled.
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3 Potential Complications After A Tooth Extraction – And How A Dental Implant Can Help
A tooth extraction is a necessary evil in cases where a tooth has become too damaged or unstable due to trauma or poor oral healthcare. The extraction process is fairly straightforward but, as with any major dental procedure, can produce some complications afterwards. The complications have a variety of treatments that vary according to the severity and nature of the problem. In one case, the quick addition of a dental implant can help.
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Learn About The Causes Of Teeth Sensitivity
Are you finding it more difficult to eat certain foods due to the pain they cause your teeth and gums? Do you find that brushing or flossing your teeth can sometimes cause you to grimace in pain? If so, then you are experiencing sensitive teeth for a reason and the sooner you find out what that reason is, the sooner you can have the problem treated so you can start to eat and care for your teeth in peace again.
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Know What To Do If Your Tooth Gets Knocked Out
There are certain times in your life when losing a tooth is a good thing. However, when you are an adult, having a tooth get knocked out isn't such a good thing. You aren't a shark with a new tooth just waiting there to pop into place. Luckily, it is very possible to save that tooth so that it can go right back to where it belongs. There are few things that you can do to make sure that your dentist can get your tooth back in as soon as possible.
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