Dentist Teeth Whitening Methods For Stains

Tips For Dealing With Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth have weak, thin, or worn enamel, allowing the denting to feel the effects of stimulating substances and temperature. For example, you might feel discomfort or pain when taking a cold beverage. Below are some ways to deal with teeth sensitivity.

Avoid Further Damage

Anything that erodes, pits, thins, or cracks the enamel increases teeth's sensitivity. Avoid such things since they will worsen the sensitivity. For example, you should:

  • Use a soft toothbrush and avoid overzealous brushing that might damage the enamel further.
  • Limit acidic foods and drinks since acids erode the enamel.
  • Avoid brushing immediately after eating acidic food since acids soften the enamel and increase damage susceptibility.
  • Avoid dental bleaching treatments since they contain acidic and abrasive elements that erode the teeth.

In short, treat your teeth with kid gloves and avoid situations that weaken or damage the enamel. Otherwise, the sensitivity will be hard to treat.

Try At-Home Treatments

Some at-home treatments help with mild sensitivity. Below are some treatments to try.

Desensitizing Toothpaste

Some toothpaste versions have ingredients that help seal your enamel and reduce teeth sensitivity. Buy such a desensitizing toothpaste (usually available over the counter) and use it daily. Note that results take time; don't stop using the toothpaste if you don't see immediate changes.

Use Saline Rinses

Regularly rinse your mouth with salty water. Salty water helps balance mouth pH and reduces the acidity that erodes enamel.

Maintain good Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene contributes to or causes teeth sensitivity. For example, poor oral hygiene allows bacteria to thrive in the mouth, and the bacteria produce acids when they break down organic debris in your mouth. Brush twice a day and floss daily to minimize the damage.

Get Professional Dental Care

Serious teeth sensitivity requires professional dental care. You should also consult a dentist if your teeth sensitivity worsens or doesn't improve with time. In fact, you should consult the dentist for all dental sensitivity issues except mild cases.

The dentist will diagnose your case and help you identify its cause. Knowing why you have sensitive teeth will help you avoid further damage.

The dentist will also prescribe relevant treatments for your sensitivity. For example, your dentist may:

  • Treat your teeth with varnishes or coatings that fill or seal the openings in your enamel and reduce sensitivity.
  • Treat oral or dental conditions, such as receding gums, which cause sensitive teeth
  • Give you an oral appliance, such as a mouth guard, to prevent teeth grinding that damage the enamel

The treatment depends on your sensitivity's extent and cause. Contact a dentist like Dr. Jon Douglas Lesan, DDS, RpH, PA to learn more.
