Benefits Of A Dental Cleaning
Twice a year, when you visit your dentist for routine care, you probably receive a dental cleaning. Although this preventive service may seem unnecessary, it actually offers multiple benefits. Here are a few of them.
Better Breath
The smell of your breath is dependent on several factors, such as the condition of your health, the foods that you eat, and the microbes in your mouth. Some oral microbes produce smelly sulfur-containing compounds that negatively impact your breath. A dental cleaning can affect the number of microbes in your mouth.
Normally, as you brush your teeth, oral bacteria is removed, since much of it resides in plaque. Plaque is a mixture of oral bacteria and leftover food particles. The stickiness of the plaque is due to the biofilm created by the microorganisms in it.
Brushing your teeth is an efficient way to remove plaque, but the practice does not remove tartar. A dental cleaning is needed.
Tartar is the yellow, porous substance that forms when plaque is left undisturbed long enough to harden. In order to be removed, it must be scraped away using professional dental tools.
Since tartar is porous, it becomes a hiding place for more plaque and oral bacteria. With the increase in oral bacteria, more volatile sulfur compounds are released, increasing your likelihood of bad breath. In addition, the tartar can trap odorous debris from your meals and snacks.
Whiter Teeth
Tartar is not white. It has a dull, yellow hue. As a result, it can cause teeth to look stained and unattractive. In addition, since tartar is porous, it can absorb some of the pigments from the foods and drinks that you ingest, further discoloring the teeth.
Once tartar is removed during a dental cleaning, the tooth enamel that is hidden underneath it is revealed. In addition, the teeth are often polished after a cleaning. Thus, your smile will tend to look brighter.
Better Gum Health
Tartar often accumulates along the gum line and between the teeth. Since tartar is adjacent to the gums, as the oral bacteria within it release acid, the inflammatory substance is in direct contact with the gum tissue. The resulting inflammation can cause gum disease.
By removing tartar, your dentist helps reduce the amount of undiluted oral acid near the gums. With less contact with the concentrated acid, your gums are likely to remain healthier.
Contact a clinic like Family & Cosmetic Dentistry to schedule your next cleaning.